Non-Personal Information

In general, you can browse our website without revealing your identity or providing any personal information. The only information we collect while browsing the site is general information collected in normal server logs. This information includes your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your domain name, the type of browser and operating system you are using, as well as other information such as the website address from which you accessed our site, the files you upload, the pages you visit and the dates/times of those visits. This information will not reveal your identity; rather, it will be used internally to analyze website search traffic only.

We also collect your personal data in certain areas of the Website when you apply. The personal data collected varies and may include information you provide, such as your name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, fax number, and background information required in order to apply for a job. We may also automatically collect information about the devices you use to interact with our Website. The information we collect automatically may include your IP address, device identifier, web browser and browsing information collected through cookies, web beacons, pixels, clear gifs, and other similar technologies (collectively, “Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies”) on our Website. We may also automatically collect information about how you use the Website, such as what you have searched for and what you have viewed on the Website. The information collected automatically will be associated with any personal data you have provided.

Personal Information

If you want to apply for a job, participate in a discussion group, or join an electronic mailing list, you must provide personal information, such as your name and email address. This information is collected only with your knowledge and permission, and is kept in the site's databases and mailing lists for the services to be provided. Softimpact, which sets out specific requirements for collecting personal information, may publish its own privacy policies that complement the company's general policy in this area. Recording or providing personal information may result in a cookie. Through this cookie, the channel can remember your details when you visit the site again, so you will not have to provide the same information again. This helps us provide better service.

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